Sugarlash PRO Website

Optimizing conversation rate while improving the user shopping experience.
Tablet device display Sugarlash PRO home page, where the blogs are showcased.Tablet device display Sugarlash PRO home page, where the blogs are showcased.
Sugarlash PRO
UX/UI Designer
Project Duration
July 2022 to November 2022
Team Members
Produced by Sugarlash PRO


There are multiple ways to better the user experience for customers. However, it's more impactful if understand the users and address their unique needs, wants, goals and pain points. Therefore, it's important to create a persona to identify what those are and visualize our ideal user.
Persona document for Sloan, who is a lash artist that shops at Sugarlash PRO.Persona document for Sloan, who is a lash artist that shops at Sugarlash PRO.


Based on our persona, our website audit pointed out things we missed, things we can easily add, and reconfigure to improve the user experience for the unique audience of lash artists and salon owners.
Audit of the old home page design, highlighting items that could improve user experience.Audit of the old product page design, highlighting items that could improve user experience.
Sugarlash PRO needs to be seen as the authority for the lashing industry. So, people like Sloan, who are unsure of themselves, can look to Sugarlash PRO on what to purchase and how to propel their business forward. This means we needed increase the performance of our website such as, having a fast loading site, and reduce the amount of clicks to get to the desired outcome.
Redesigned Sugarlash PRO home page, highlighting the new UX changes that were implemented.Redesign Sugarlash PRO product detail page, highlighting the new UX changes that were implemented.
iMac computer on a desk set up displaying the Sugarlash PRO home page.Tablet device display Sugarlash PRO home page, where the blogs are showcased.Hand holding a mobile device displaying Sugarlash PRO's website, browsing for product.Laptop displaying Sugarlash PRO's product page.
Sugarlash PRO's redesigned site showcasing the entire scroll length.


  • Design of the "reviews" section was limited to which Shopify plugin was used.
  • Number of type weights could have been reduced for a simpler interface.
  • Designing for screen readers was outside the time budget for this project.
  • More qualitative research, like asking for our customers insight was out of scope.
  • This project might have benefitted with more testing before launch.

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